13.1 Using pdfLATEX

ProgDoc works fine with pdfLATEX. However there is a problem if using LATEX and pdfLATEX alternately. This is due to an incompatibility in the format of the auxiliary file <filename>.aux, which is used by both, LATEX and pdfLATEX to propagate information from one program run to the next.

Thus executing pdflatex after an execution of latex will usually result in a bunch of confusing error messages. The solution of the problem is quite simple: remove the LATEX generated .aux file every time before executing pdflatex. (This can be automated for example in a makefile.) Notice that the procedure just described is not necessary if executing latex after pdflatex.

Another problem with pdfLATEX is the fact that you get mangled names in the table of contents generated by pdfLATEX in the left Acrobat Reader window, if the section titles contain not pure text, but additionally LATEX commands. This problem has nothing to do at all with ProgDoc, but it is very annoying, especially for beginners. That's why the file progdoc.sty contains a redefinition of the pdfLATEX macro \texorpdfstring{ <TeX-String>}{ <PDF-String>} which is known to pdfLATEX but not to LATEX. The macro is a conditional statement for strings. If you use LATEX, the macro evaluates to <TeX-String>. If you use pdfLATEX the macro evaluates to <PDF-String> in the PDF table of contents only, but to <TeX-String> in any other case. Thus you can write documents which you can process with LATEX as well as with pdfLATEX.

Volker Simonis 2003-03-05