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XProgDoc -
A universal documentation extension for arbitrary programming languages

This is an effort of porting the software documentation philosophy behind ProgDoc to the new world of XML, XSLT, XSL-FO, DocBook, ... The software is in Alpha status now, but the ideas behind the new sytem are quite interesting and the technology seems promising.

Right now the XProgDoc system is described in an article available in Postscript format. Please notice that this is a work in progress. So don't cite or redistribute the article without explicit permission of the author!
The same applies to the XProgDoc prototype which is available as source archive below. Feel free to test, use and extend it in any way, however please don't redistribute it.

Comments, suggestions or ideas for improvements are always highly welcome!

xprogdoc_0.1.tgz (Contains xprogdoc.ps)

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